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What to Expect on Your Visit

We get it. It can be kind of unnerving to visit a church for the first time. We know it helps to have an idea of what to expect, so we've jotted down a few notes about a typical Sunday.


If you'd like more specific information, schedule a visit! Then we can answer any particular questions you might have and be prepared to meet special needs.


Hope to see you soon!




We gather to worship God for who He is and what He's done.

Feel free to clap your hands, raise your hands, bow before the Lord, or not. We just want to glorify God! You can expect that we will usually sing about 4 songs selected from a combination of modern choruses and hymns.



If you're a guest, please don't worry about giving during the collection of tithes and offerings. We just want you to come and be blessed. For our regular attenders, we teach the biblical practice of giving to God in tithes and offerings.


Find out more about how we give here.

Offering plate.jpg
Image by Sincerely Media



Be encouraged, challenged, and equipped from scripture to live the life God intends for you to live! Be prepared to laugh (we're real people), hear a lot of scripture (we really love the Word), and be moved in your heart (because God's Word doesn't return void, Isaiah 55:11).



We believe in the power of prayer! Expect to be asked to stay a few minutes after the message to quiet your heart and hear from the Lord. You will also have an opportunity to receive prayer if you want -- no pressure! We just want to be available to come before the Lord with you as He works in your life.

Image by Geda Žyvatkauskaitė



Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month. We invite all people who've put their faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins to participate. At our church, we offer a time for reflection and prayer then pass the communion elements down each row of seats. In good ol' fashioned Assembly of God tradition, ours is a grape juice communion.


What About Kids?

We love kids! It's an honor for us to get to offer age-appropriate lessons that teach kids who God is, how they can know Him, and how He reveals truth in His Word! Our staff of caring adults is here to help your kids grow in the Lord, have fun, and be safe at the same time.

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