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Image by Jesus Loves Austin

Kid's Ministries

Our mission is kids!

Sandy Assembly Kid's ministry is geared for children from infant through 12. Our goal is to see children grow in their knowlege and love for God and his word from the earliest age. We teach children to love God through worship, learning his word, and being part of the larger body of Christ. We are dedicated to supporting children and families in their faith, and to encouraging young believers as the future body of Christ.


Jeremiah 29:13 says, "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."


We believe that our pursuit of Christ requires all of our heart. At Pursuit Student Ministries, we encourage students to take action steps in Bible reading, prayer, discipleship, and sharing the gospel to grow in their faith.


Wednesday Night

We believe everyone needs a place to connect with others and engage with the Word of God! Join us Wednesdays for a delicious meal followed by a time of worship and Bible study for kids, teens, and adults.


6:00pm - Dinner (lower Fellowship Hall)

6:45pm - Youth service (lower Youth Center)

           - Worship for kids & adults (Sanctuary)

7:00pm - Bible activities for kids at Camp Faith

           - Bible teaching & study for adults

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Ladies, God reveals his nature, character, and goodness through his word so that we might honor him in all things -- even in the busyness that women often find ourselves in. Take time away from your routines and invest yourself in knowing God more. Women's Bible Studies meet on a seasonal basis for study, prayer, refreshment, and connecting with one another.

We also hold one-day, in-house mini "retreats" for a powerful time of worship, study, teaching, and relationship building. Watch for special studies and events HERE.

Image by Becca Tapert
Image by Jack Sharp
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Sandy Assembly men gather to grow in the Word and in connection with one other:

  • Weekly Bible Study: TBA

  • Men's Breakfast: 3rd Saturday each month from 8:01 - 9:30am

  • Men's Conferences (seasonal), watch our Events page or subscribe to our weekly eBulletin (below) & stay up to date

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