Leader Training
Connect Group
Connect Groups are one of the most crucial ministries we have at Sandy Assembly of God. We want to make sure our Connect Group leaders are well-resourced and well-connected to what we're trying to accomplish through Connect Groups. That's why we have put together a ton of resources to help prepare you for your involvement in this ministry.
We are currently developing a training app which will make it easier and more user-friendly to walk through the Connect Group Leader Training process. In the meantime, the videos and documents we have already created will go a long way toward helping you understand what Connect Groups are all about, how we're approaching them, why, and how you can bring your unique giftings to serve in this ministry of Connect Groups.
Please watch each of the following videos and work through the accompanying training materials (currently in a PDF document format).
Thank you so much! We are excited at what the Lord could do through Connect Groups and your commitment to serve through them!
If you haven't applied to be a Connect Group Leader, you may do so here.
Week 5: Commissioning Service
If you have submitted your Connect Group Leader Application and have been approved to lead, we want to publicly acknowledge and honor you for committing to serve in this way. We will be in touch with you about the details for this special event.