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Rachelle Topliff

Children's Ministry Director

Personal Mission

"Your word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee."

Psalm 119:11

Rachelle's Story

Rachelle Topliff is wife and caregiver to her amazing husband Larry, our Connections Pastor, with whom she serves alongside in ministry. She is mom to three brilliant young men (though doctors said she and her husband could never conceive), mother-in-law to two amazing daughters, and a proud grandma.


Rachelle has served in various areas of ministry including children, families, and women for more than 25 years. As Director of Children’s Ministries, one of her favorite events is our annual Vacation Bible School attended by hundreds of children and staffed by more than 100 volunteers. She is passionate about teaching children to love and trust the inerrant Word of God, and loves to lead, teach, and encourage others through mentoring.

When she is not serving in ministry, she enjoys assisting Larry as he coaches wrestling. She also enjoys cooking and opening her home for gatherings. She firmly believes that “if you feed them, they will come.” 


Do you want to get baptized? Have questions?

Need biblical counsel? Let us know! 

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